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Stubborn but considerative... Sensitive but Sensible enough.. Childish but Caring... Over all, I'm me, truly, rightly, strictly, genuinely ME!

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thank you god..Life is beautiful Ver 1.0

Thank you god, thank you for everything you have given to me.

--> You gave me a beautiful childhood that any other child can envy of...We cherish each bit of it even now.....Thank you!

--> You gave my parents little wealth, but that taught us to know the value of money. Thank you!

--> You made my father addicted to alcohol, but that taught us to fight the life. Thank you!

--> You acknowledged your presence through my mother…..who has loads of energy & patience to battle the life…..If not so, where we could have been today…Thank you!

--> To make my life lively & ever young…..i have my brother. He is my moral & emotional support…Thank you!

--> You gave me the wisdom to study….How can I go easy on it…Thank you!

--> You helped me plan my career…This is what I’m today…Thank you!

--> You sent across a life partner who made my living easy & enjoyable. Such a Responsible, Caring & Lovable one… What can I ask for more…..Thank you!

--> You gifted me with two beautiful angels….I forget myself when I see them. Such a blessing. Thank you!

--> You made me with the heart to understand others, brain to know what’s good and what’s not. I promise, I will not take this life easy. Thank you for it!

There were disappointments, flip over’s, weak moments and tough times. But, when I consolidate, I’m satisfied.
I am contended with what so ever came to me till this moment…Even in future, I trust. You know better. Whatever you do, there will be a purpose.

Once again, Thank you. Thank you for making the life beautiful.

P.S: I hope, you have time to read my blog :)

1 comment:

Sree said...

yup he will have the time :).... loved to see you happy .